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Intersectional Strategies to Drive Improvements in Workplace Equality

According to a 2021 survey by CIPHR, more than a third of UK adults felt they had been subject to discrimination in the workplace or when applying for a job. In this video, Godwin Daudu from AFiUK discusses how the system can be rebuilt and extended to accommodate diversity, with particular emphasis on racial discrimination in the workplace.

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Developing Inclusive LGBTQ+ Policies to Further Workplace Equality

A third of LGBTQ+ staff in the UK have hidden their LGBTQ+ identity in fear of discrimination in the workplace. Emma Green, Head of Diversity and Inclusion at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy discusses using staff input to develop inclusive policies to further LGBTQ+ equality in the workplace.

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Adopting a Whole Organisation Approach to Race Equality

In 2021, only 28% Black Asian, Mixed Race and other ethnically diverse employees had a mentor work. Sandra Kerr CBE, Race Director for Business in the Community discusses findings from the 2021 Race at Work Survey and what employers can do to create more inclusive workspaces, highlighting the importance of role models and progression plans in the workplace.

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The McKenzie Delis Packer Review: A Holistic Approach to Improving Inclusion and Diversity

Studies have shown diverse organisations perform better and have higher financial returns. We heard from Leila Mckenzie Delis, Chief Executive at DIAL Global, about findings from the recent Mckenzie Delis Packer review into diversity, inclusion and belonging in the workplace.

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How Flexible Working can Support Diversity and Inclusion

Covid-19 exposed inequalities in workplace structures and introduced a new way of working to many. Welsh gender equality charity Chwarae Teg report the need to work towards gender inequality, whilst highlighting the benefits of agile working to mitigate inequality.

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