Gypsy and traveller groups have groups have a higher rate of mortality and morbidity, and also face numerous barriers in accessing healthcare. Lisa Gavin, Clinical Service Manager for Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Inclusion Health at First Community Health and Care, discusses some of these barriers and highlights changes healthcare systems need to make to increase trust in services to improve access and in turn health outcomes for these communities.
Year after year, the cost of adult social care continues to rise and stretch local authorities’ budgets. Between 2020 and 2021, it rose by £1.6 billion. In this video, Frances O’Callaghan, Designated Chief Executive of the North Central London Integrated Care Board shares how the board has worked collaboratively with other organisations to deliver high-quality patient care and improve health inequalities despite lack of funding.
The NHS Long Term Plan brings significant reforms for the NHS. With the rollout of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) being one of the flagship reforms introduced. This briefing examines ICSs and their accompanying systems; discussing the implications for providers, and offers case studies from health systems who have succeeded in introducing ICSs.