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Destigmatising Menopause in the Workplace to Create a More Supportive Organisational Culture

To date, more than 2,000 organisations have signed Wellbeing of Women’s Menopause Workplace Pledge. In this video, Jessica Easterbrook, Lead Consultant for Organisational Development at East Sussex County Council discusses the importance of employee data in developing menopause strategies. She further highlights the benefit and normalising talking about menopause in the workplace.

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Improving Menopause Support in the Workplace

6 in 10 people experiencing menopause said their symptoms had a negative impact on their work. Jacqui McBurnie, Founder of and Chair of the NHS England Menopause Network, discusses implementing inclusive menopause policies to support staff experiencing menopause.

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Improving Workplace Support for those Experiencing the Menopause

6 in 10 people experiencing the menopause say their symptoms had a negative impact on their work. Jacqui McBurnie, Founder and Chair of the NHS Menopause Network discusses changes that need to be made in the workplace to support employees going through the menopause.

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Developing an organisation-wide Menopause Policy

1 in 3 employers do not feel equipped to support their employees going through the menopause, according to a recent survey from Acas. Keeley Mansell, Detective Constable, Nottinghamshire Police shares her experience with the menopause and how this helped shape the constabulary's menopause policy.

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