The 2023 NHS Longterm Workforce Plan lays out a plan to increase the nursing workforce from 170,000 to 190,000 nurses, outlining training and resources needed for the future. In this video, Wendy Preston, Head of Nursing for the Royal College of Nursing shares resources for trusts to support and value staff helping solve the retention issues in the nursing workforce.
Over 27,000 people left the Nursing and Midwifery Council Register in 2021-2022.
Sarah White is Workforce Policy Advisor at NHS Providers. She delivers the organisations’ influencing priorities relating to NHS staff on behalf of all Trusts and Foundation Trusts in England.
In this video, Sarah shares strategies to attract a diverse workforce including flexible working structures. She discusses creating a sustainable pipeline within nursing widening the pathways to increase access to nursing.
In April 2021, there was a shortage of nearly 84,000 full-time equivalent staff across NHS England. Urgent action is required to tackle a vicious cycle of shortages and increased pressures on staff. Debbi Howard, Head of Clinical Education and Sarah Sumner, Clinical Director for Resuscitation, Simulation and Skills at Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust discuss how preceptorship programmes can help improve staff retention in trusts.
With nurse retention rates at an all time low, Gateshead NHS Trust has developed a strategy to make new starters feel welcome and prepared, whilst giving more experienced staff a new lease of life and job satisfaction.