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Enhancing Workplace Inclusion: A Guide by AbilityNet

Lizzie Green, a digital inclusion consultant at AbilityNet, shared insights on building inclusive workplace practices at our Recruitment in the Workplace Conference 2024. Passionate about making assistive technology accessible to all, Lizzie has progressed through various roles within the organisation and now leads the development and delivery of workplace inclusion services.

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AI in Recruitment: Current Trends, Efficiency and Future Prospects

48% of UK recruitment agencies have adopted some form of AI technology. In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming an integral part of numerous industries, including recruitment. The recruitment process, historically reliant on human judgement and manual procedures, is experiencing a profound transformation due to AI advancements.

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EU AI Act Article 10: New Implications for HR Managers

The HR recruitment market has been revolutionised by AI technologies, enhancing efficiency and candidate-job matching. However, issues such as algorithmic bias and transparency have raised concerns, leading to regulatory interventions like the EU AI Act. According to a report by PwC, 38% of organisations are already using AI in their HR functions, with an additional 62% expected to follow suit in the next few years

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Navigating the Gig Economy: A Guide for HR Professionals

The gig economy, characterised by temporary, flexible jobs often involving freelance or short-term work as opposed to permanent, full-time employment, has been a transformative force in the labour market over the past decade. 4.7 million people were engaged in gig work in 2020, a figure that has likely increased due to changing work preferences.

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6 Key Strategies: Progressing EDI in the UK Police Force

As of March 31, 2023, 12,000 police officers (8%) identified as belonging to a minority ethnic group, a figure that has grown annually since 2010. This is still much lower than the 18.3% of the general population in England and Wales from minority ethnic groups. While strides have been taken, there's still much work ahead to address systemic barriers and create a force that mirrors and serves the diverse populace it protects.

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7 Factors Influencing Your Talent Retention & Strategies to Improve It

Talent retention is a strategic approach focused on keeping highly skilled and valuable employees within an organisation. It goes beyond basic employee retention by specifically targeting top performers, high-potential employees, and those with critical skills. Talent retention is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and ensuring long-term organisational success.

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Supporting and Accommodating Disabled People in the Workplace

Recent research from the University of Derby found that a quarter of those surveyed in the research had hidden their disability from their HR department and that only 36% were open with colleagues about their condition. In this post, Acas share ways employers can make adjustments to better support disabled candidates and colleagues.

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Implementing Preceptorship Programmes to Improve the Retention of New NHS Staff

In April 2021, there was a shortage of nearly 84,000 full-time equivalent staff across NHS England. Urgent action is required to tackle a vicious cycle of shortages and increased pressures on staff. Debbi Howard, Head of Clinical Education and Sarah Sumner, Clinical Director for Resuscitation, Simulation and Skills at Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust discuss how preceptorship programmes can help improve staff retention in trusts.

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In Conversation: Creating Better Diversity Policies in the Voluntary Sector

Implementing core diversity policies in the voluntary sector is essential in creating inclusive and representative workplaces and services. We invited three champions of diversity and inclusion in the sector to discuss the topic.

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Ensuring Voluntary Sector Leadership Promotes Diversity and Inclusion

ACAS works with employers and employees to improve workplace relationships. This article looks at ways that employers in the voluntary sector can better promote diversity and inclusion.

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Black History Month in the Workplace: Addressing Inequalities

Only 1 in 6 people at senior leadership level in the public and private sectors are from an ethnic minority background. This infographic gives an overview of diversity and inclusion issues in workplaces across the UK.

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The Changing Landscape of Fire Safety and Rescue Services: Promoting Diversity in the Fire & Rescue Service

Imran Dean, Community Engagement Officer (EDI Lead) at Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Services, spoke about improving diversity in the Fire Service at The Changing Landscape of UK Fire Safety and Rescue Services, 2021.

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