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Recruiting and Retaining Nurses to Meet Workforce Demand

The 2023 NHS Longterm Workforce Plan lays out a plan to increase the nursing workforce from 170,000 to 190,000 nurses, outlining training and resources needed for the future. In this video, Wendy Preston, Head of Nursing for the Royal College of Nursing shares resources for trusts to support and value staff helping solve the retention issues in the nursing workforce.

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Understanding Neurodivergence to Create a More Inclusive Workplace

More than 15% of the UK population are neurodiverse. Nanette Mellor, the CEO of the Brain Charity discusses neurodiverse conditions and the benefits they pose to the workplace if accommodations are made to support them. She highlights the challenges that need to be overcome to make these changes and explores the positive impact of assessing workplace practices to ensure recruitment processes are welcoming to all.

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Attracting Generation Z to Start Careers in Care

In adult social around 1 in 10 social worker and 1 in 11 care worker roles are reportedly unfilled. Skillsforcare share the benefits of recruiting generation z to fill this gap and ways to encourage them to join the social care workforce.

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Using Apprenticeships to Support Recruitment and Retention in Social Care

There were 1.9 million requests for adult social care support received by local authorities in 2020-21, according to NHS Digital. We heard from Skills for care about improving recruitment and retention in the social care sector with the use of apprenticeships to help meet the demands for social care requests.

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Understanding Neurodiversity to Improve Workplace Productivity and Widen the Talent Pool

Around 1 in 7 of the UK population is neurodivergent. We heard from Dr Jill Miller, Policy Adviser - Diversity and Inclusion at CIPD , to gain a better understanding of how neurodiversity impacts colleagues at work and explore workplace adjustments that can benefit everyone.

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