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The Road to Online Safety Regulation: Safeguarding Children Against Sexual Harms

A significant number of children aged 8-11 have social media profiles, with TikTok being especially popular. The study found that even younger children, some as young as three, are exposed to social media content, although this may involve watching videos with others rather than having their own accounts. This article covers some the negative impacts of this uptake including grooming and misogyny, as well as preventative measures.

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AI in Recruitment: Current Trends, Efficiency and Future Prospects

48% of UK recruitment agencies have adopted some form of AI technology. In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming an integral part of numerous industries, including recruitment. The recruitment process, historically reliant on human judgement and manual procedures, is experiencing a profound transformation due to AI advancements.

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Preparing Students to be the Next Generation of Cyber Professionals

As the digital landscape evolves, the UK faces an urgent need to cultivate a new generation of cyber professionals. The public sector has a crucial role to play in this endeavour, particularly by engaging school students early on and preparing them for careers in cybersecurity and related STEM fields. This strategy is essential not just for filling the existing skills gap, but also for ensuring the nation's security and technological leadership in the coming decades.

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Supporting Digital Inclusion: A Local Government Mandate

The UK ranks fourth in Europe and 17th in the World for its online population. Championing digital inclusion is an essential strategy for fostering economic growth, enhancing public services, and improving the overall quality of life for their residents. This article explains how local authorities can support the digital inclusion transition in communities.

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How Six Police Forces Are Tackling Technology-Driven Crimes

While modern technology offers significant benefits to policing, it also presents new challenges and threats. This article explains the types of technology being faced and strategies police are using to counteract it.

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Helping SEND Pupils by Integrating Technology in Teaching

In this article we’ll discuss how to better integrate technology into teaching to support pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

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Boosting Specialist Cybercrime Capabilities through Regional Special Operations Units

39% of businesses in the North East identified cyber security breaches or attacks in 2020. In this case study we’ll look at how regional special operations units are improving defences against cyber crime.

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Digital Policing: Using Mobile Technology in Crime Scene Investigation

This case study will emphasise the need to incorporate digital technology in crime scene investigations. It uses the Regional Scientific Support Service (RSSS) of Yorkshire as an example of how digital technology can be used effectively in CSI.

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Promoting Digital Literacy in the Police & Criminal Justice Workforce

Technology presents massive opportunities in criminal justice. This article will examine the role of digital technology in modern policing, whilst outlining training methods of the College of Policing in digital literacy.

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Using Technology to Improve Communication Between Health and Social Care Providers 

When implemented effectively, technology can be used in the NHS to improve communication between health and social care providers. This case study looks at the expansion of the East London patient records.

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The NHS App: Harnessing Digital, Data and Technology in Healthcare

The NHS App is transforming the healthcare experience by embracing the latest tech and constantly improving data use. This case study provides an overview of the functions of the app.

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What Can Technology Offer Learners With SEND?

Children with special education needs and disabilities (SEND) often have the capacity to master high-level content. We spoke to John Galloway from the London Grid for Learning about ways to support children and young people with SEND.

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