
Everton Free School Crime Prevention Initiatives

Stephen Baker, the principal of Everton Free School and Football College, and Assistant Head Andrew Pearl, are pioneering new strategies to address behavioural challenges and criminal exploitation among vulnerable youth in Liverpool. Their innovative approach integrates multi-agency collaboration and focuses on understanding and meeting the underlying needs of at-risk students.

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Government Update: The Illegal Migration Act 2023

The Illegal Migration Act changes the law so that those who arrive in the UK illegally will not be able to stay here. This update provides an overview of the key points of the act, highlighting which sections are in force now and what this means for those seeking asylum in the UK.

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Developing and Implementing a Robust Volunteer Strategy

A robust volunteer strategy is crucial for any organisation within the voluntary sector, to both maintain the needs of the organisation and volunteer motivations. In this video, Andy Broomhead from Diabetes UK gives guidance and advice to organisations seeking to adapt and improve their volunteer strategies.

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Providing Person-Centred Support to Prevent Tenants from Experiencing Homelessness

According to Hightown Housing Association, only 22-24% of housing association lettings go to homeless households. In this video, David Bogle from HHA discusses how Homes for Cathy works to improve the homelessness housing system through various campaigns and heightened support for tenants.

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Government Update: The Fraud Strategy

Fraud is one of the most common crimes in England and Wales, with cases accounting for more than 40% of all crimes reported. This government update outlines some of the key points in the Fraud Strategy which aims to reduce the number of cases by 10% on 2019 levels before the beginning of 2025.

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Supporting Care-Experienced Young People in Accessing Higher Education

Care-experienced young people face significant barriers to accessing higher education. In this video, Patricia Ambrose from the National Network for the Education of Care Leavers (NNECL) discusses the importance of pro-active measures, resources, and outreach exercises to improving the educational outcomes for care-experienced young people.

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Government Update: The Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan

Police forces across England and Wales forces received 1,039,579 crime reports about anti-social behaviour (ASB) in 2022. To support local authorities and police in decreasing incidents of ASB, the government has recently launched the Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan. This article provides a summary of the key points shared in the plan.

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Delivering Wrap-Around Support for Vulnerable Survivors of Modern Slavery

12,727 people were referred to authorities as suspected victims of modern slavery in 2021, according to Home Office data. Dr Julia Tomas is the anti-slavery coordinator at the Passage, in this video she discusses the multi agency case conference approach they have in place to provide wrap around support for survivors of modern slavery.

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Reducing Reoffending Rates Through Digital Inclusion

In 2021, adult offenders in the UK had a proven reoffending rate of 24%, according to the Ministry of Justice. In this article, Leeds City Council share the impacts of the 100% Digital Leeds programme on prison leavers and how the programme has helped improve their real-life digital skills.

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Fixing the Digital Divide to Decrease Health Inequalities

1.5 million households in the UK do not have internet access. Dr Emma Stone, Director of Evidence and Engagement at the Good Things Foundation discusses the impacts of the digital divide on health inequalities and how local authorities can help relieve the pressure on volunteer organisations with helping individuals have online access.

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Supporting Community Flood Recovery and Responding to Local Needs During and After a Disaster

Each year, more than 2000 people receive practical support to address their flood risk through flood action groups. In this video, Sanjay Johal, Community Engagement Officer for the National Flood Forum (NFF), discusses how the NFF support flooded people, and how they work with local authorities to provide help during the recovery phase.

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Single Homeless Project: Overcoming Barriers to Supporting Survivors Experiencing Domestic Abuse and Homelessness

Domestic abuse both causes and perpetuates homelessness for women. In this video, Lucy Campbell, Head of Multiple Disadvantage at Single Homeless Project, discusses the intersection of domestic abuse with women’s homelessness and other forms of multiple disadvantage experienced by women. She shares research backed strategies for a ‘whole person’ response over siloed commissioning, aiming to counteract women’s experiences of judgement and blame with strength-based approaches.

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