Treating and Tackling Eating Disorders Conference 2025


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Eating disorders are serious illnesses marked by severe disturbances to one’s eating behaviours. Although many people may be concerned about their health, weight, or appearance from time to time, some people become fixated or obsessed with weight loss, body weight or shape, and controlling their food intake. It is now more essential than ever to ensure high-quality, efficient care and support for those in need. Through sharing best practice, practitioners can build upon existing successes and develop new strategies to provide care and support for individuals with eating disorders to improve their health outcomes and ensure timely recoveries.

  • Between 1.25 and 3.4 million people in the UK are affected by an eating disorder
  • Eating disorders are most common in people between the ages of 16 and 40 years old
  • For children aged 11 to 16 years, the rate of possible eating problems rose from 6.7% in 2017 to 13.0% in 2021

Join us at the 2025 Treating Eating Disorders Conference to hear the latest updates from leading eating disorder experts. Learn from a series of best practice case studies showcasing a range of topics including promoting early intervention, supporting people in schools with eating disorders in schools and co-producing inclusive and accessible services. Gain the opportunity to network with senior colleagues and discuss practical solutions to common obstacles faced when delivering eating disorder support.

Why Attend?

 Hear high-level keynotes on the latest guidance and strategies to improve outcomes for individuals with eating disorders through early intervention
✓ Gain practical insights into effective signposting support services and encouraging self-directed recovery for patients
Engage with senior colleagues from across the sector to discuss strategies for working in joining up services to support people with eating disorders
✓ Gain 4 hours of CPD points towards your yearly quota


  • Registration

  • Chairs Opening Remarks

  • Keynote: Framing Eating Disorder Prevalence in the UK

    • Identifying current trends of eating disorders in post-pandemic UK
    • Challenging stigmas around discussions of eating disorders and mental health
    • Outlining current practices for early detection and prevention of eating disorders
    • Considering different social and cultural factors behind eating disorders

    Dr Matthew Carr, Research Fellow in the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry, University of Manchester (invited)

  • Keynote: Improving Support and Outcomes for People with Eating Disorders

    • Ensuring there is a multi-sector network of support for people living with eating disorders
    • Advice for equipping family and friends with essential skills to support people with eating disorders
    • Highlighting the mental illnesses that are likely to co-occur with eating disorders
    • Raising awareness of the common early symptoms of eating disorders to ensure treatment can take place as early as possible

    Dr Ashish Kumar, Chair, Faculty of Eating Disorders, Royal College of Psychiatry (Invited)

  • Case Study: Working in Partnership to Provide Local Support to People Affected by Eating Disorders

    • Improving community-based care for young people and adults with eating disorders: insights from the CONNECT programme
    • Using data to gain a strong understanding of local demand and needs to inform commissioning decisions
    • Methods to reduce waiting times and address disjointed care to allow for high-quality support close to home
    • Recommendations for helping people in recovery from eating disorders and connecting them to ongoing support
  • Questions and Answers

  • Comfort Break

  • Keynote: Tackling Eating Disorders in Schools

    • Outlining guidance for supporting students with eating disorders in schools
    • Strategies for identifying and supporting at-risk students with low self-esteem
    • Ensuring staff have the appropriate training to support at-risk students at their earliest possible development
    • Identifying factors that can cause eating disorders in schools, such as, peer-pressure, pressure to achieve and family influence
  • Breakout Networking:

    This session will provide you with the opportunity to discuss the main challenges you face in coordinating services and collaborating across agencies to provide holistic care for patients with eating disorders. We encourage you to share how you are currently working in partnership with local organisations to provide a wide range of services that meet the unique needs of individual service users. Take this time to share your experiences and network with senior colleagues.

  • Keynote: Promoting Healthy Body Image Standards

    • Considering the impact of comparison culture, self-esteem issues and how social expectations can be internalised
    • Analysing the influence of fitness and beauty industries on body standards
    • Examining how to create responsible representation by challenging social media perpetuations of unrealistic body standards
    • Discussing strategies for creating healthier narratives around body image

    Professor Susan Grogan, Emeritus Professor, School of Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University (invited)

  • Case Study: Treating Eating Disorders with Art Therapy

    • Exploring how art therapy works as a complementary treatment for people with eating disorders
    • Outlining specific practices and techniques that help individuals explore their relationship with food
    • Sharing art therapy success stories through improvements, such as self-esteem and recovery
    • Supporting practitioners through specialised training and ongoing advocacy

    Emma Davis, Integrative Arts Psychotherapist, Eating Disorder Specialist Clinical Supervisor, Hertfordshire NHS Partnership Trust (invited)

  • Questions and Answers

  • Chairs Closing Remarks

  • Conference End

Previous Speakers

Paula Blight

Chief Executive

Somerset & Wessex Eating Disorders Association

 Dr Agnes Ayton

Vice Chair of Faculty of Eating Disorders,

Royal College of Psychiatrists 

Female Silhouette image
Shelley Perry

Founder and Chief Executive

Support and Education for Eating Disorders

Layla Hamadi

Clinical Psychologist

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust


Very insightful event with talks from experienced members, colleagues and lots to think about and implement

Ashford & St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

DieticianAshford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Great conference! Very good coverage of different areas in the UK enabling us to learn and converse with others about their current practices and what has helped improve services in their areas. Very holistic view of eating disorders as a whole


Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust - One Devon

NurseRoyal Devon University Hospital

All speakers were brilliant and all offered information from various perspectives and areas of work.


Ted Wragg Trust

SEND medical support leadTed Wragg Trust

An interesting and insightful event delivered by passionate individuals who want to see lasting change

Health Tech Solutions | Mayden


Why you Should Attend?

 Hear high-level keynotes on the latest guidance and strategies to improve outcomes for individuals with eating disorders through early intervention
✓ Gain practical insights into effective signposting support services and encouraging self-directed recovery for patients
Engage with senior colleagues from across the sector to discuss strategies for working in joining up services to support people with eating disorders
✓ Gain 4 hours of CPD points towards your yearly quota

Who Should Attend?

Job Title Example Organisation Example
Nurse Schools
Dietician Local Councils
Medical Support Officers NHS Hospitals
Safeguarding Leads Universities
Teachers Children’s Charities
Psychologists Health and Care Professionals Council

Pricing Options


Your delegate place at this leading conference gives you: Full access to the conference; E-guide; Networking opportunities during the day; Access to presentations post conference; 8 CPD Points.


Your delegate place at this leading conference gives you: Full access to the conference; E-guide; Networking opportunities during the day; Access to presentations post conference; 8 CPD Points.


Your delegate place at this leading conference gives you: Full access to the conference; E-guide; Networking opportunities during the day; Access to presentations post conference; 8 CPD Points.



Raise your Profile, Showcase Your Solutions, Generate New Business

If your products, services, and solutions can support our audiences in their roles, and you want to make connections and generate new business with key stakeholders, decision makers, and influencers, then please contact us HERE

IMPORTANT: There are only a small number of sponsorship opportunities available to ensure maximum exposure and ROI – contact us today to secure your place.

Virtual vs F2F

Whilst F2F provide better options for networking, there are many distinct advantages of sponsoring our online conferences including:

  • Wider geographical reach of delegates and a different audience who prefer online to f2f
  • Lower sponsorship package costs
  • No travel/accommodation
  • Less time out of the office
  • No stand materials required (lower costs)
  • 1 of only 2 sponsors involved – less competition on the day
  • Prime speaking slot in the morning of the conference including Q&A – less distractions and easier for delegates to hear/absorb information
  • Receive all delegate data after the conference to follow-up directly with those who attend and don’t attend (small % but still key stakeholders)
  • Ongoing exposure via OnDemand access (coming soon)

To find out more and discuss your specific objectives, please contact us below: