Emotional intelligence (also known as emotional quotient or EQ) is the understanding of how to use and manage your own emotions in positive ways to communicate effectively, empathise with others, overcome challenges, defuse conflict and relieve stress. By understanding your EQ and learning about the signs in others, you can positively transform
how you think, feel, engage with, influence and inspire others. Implementing the EQ knowledge we cover in the course will help you become more effective at work, by getting the best from you and other people. You’ll be able to increase
your team’s performance, improve decision making and build effective workplace relationships. This will help you reduce sources of stress and conflict at work.
What will I cover?
The course will take you through three key areas of EQ – discovering what they are and how to use them effectively in person or working remotely:
• Self-awareness – harness your EQ to improve your personal communications skills and sense of wellbeing
• Social awareness – understand why people tend to behave the way they do and how to get the best from them
• Self-management – decide how to respond before you act – controlling and redirecting undesirable behaviours.
What will I learn?
• Understanding your own emotions, moods and drivers and their effect on others.
• Identify key triggers and how to manage them
• Understand different personality traits and how these affect behaviour
• Building on personality traits to communicate more effectively with everyone around you and reduce potential conflict, whether verbally or via email
• How to relate to and persuade others more easily.
Trainer Profile: Emma Ewing
After a career working for central Government, blue chip organisations and agency businesses, Emma became a trainer in 2001 to share her experience and passion for learning and development. She provides tailored training and coaching programmes for people and teams who want to get the most out of themselves and others. She specialises in effective communication skills and personal performance, with a successful track record of helping people build skills, develop greater self-confidence and become better managers and leaders. Her clients include UN agencies, local councils,
emergency services teams and Government Departments.
For more information or to make a booking please call 0330 0947 344
Registration and Trainers Welcome
Session 1: It Starts With Us
- Our skills with other people depend on how skillfully we manage ourselves
- Introduction to emotions at work
- EQ and you
- The importance of emotional vocabulary
- Using this information practically: 5 methods at work
Session 2: From Self-Awarenss to Self-Management
- Emotional agility – How emotions work and how you can work with them
- Framework for dealing with strong emotions
- Watch out for confidence traps – forewarned is forearmed
- Emotional Regulation – Useful ways to address the élephant in the room’and have productive conversations and feel more confident
- Practical techniques for emotional regulation that work without suppresing or negatively impacting others
Session 3: Understand Other People’s Emotional and Motivational Preferences
- Introduction to different communication styles
- Indetifying your preferences and understanding how to identify other peoples’s preferences quickly.
- Understanding the impact of your style on others and their style on you
- Practical communication techniques to use with each style
- Removing resistance and defensiveness
Section 4: Bringing it All Together and Planning for Future Success
- What do you need to do daily/regularly to build or maintain your EQ?
- What will you do to addapt your communication to get better outcomes from other people?
Trainers Summary and Close
*Programme subject to change
- Online Fee: £249+VAT