
Ensuring the support and identification of most able pupils is a prevalent challenge for many schools. With increasing demands on teachers’ workload and resource allocations, prioritising support for most able pupils has become challenging for schools and their senior leadership teams. Implementing pedagogical approaches, collaborating with other schools, and garnering whole-school buy-in can enable schools and teachers to provide optimal support and effectively identify most able pupils, thus facilitating their ability to thrive throughout their education.

  • According to Ofsted in 2019 the percentage of schools which the provision of most able pupils needed improvement was consistently high with 44% needing change to provisions offered
  • Primary and early years schools were amongst those with the highest percentage of poor provision of most able pupils
  • Potential Plus UK notes a gap between support for most able pupils and the rise in top ratings for schools by Ofsted, suggesting that the needs of these students aren’t fully factored into overall judgements

Join us at The Most Able Pupils Conference 2024: Supporting and Fulfilling Potential to hear the latest best practice and guidance from leading school experts and teachers working to motivate and support most able pupils across primary and secondary schools. Engage with a series of hand-picked case studies highlighting practical measures to incorporate most able pupil support provision into existing teacher workloads, support most able pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and identify higher attaining students. You will also have the opportunity to network with senior colleagues from across the education sector to discuss challenges you face in reviewing and tracking the progress of most able pupils.

  • Learn valuable insights into the latest trends, best practices, and strategies for supporting most able pupils
  • Explore innovative approaches to identifying most able pupils
  • Hear high-level keynotes on the latest guidance and tips for driving the academic potential of most able pupils
  • Gain practical insights into creating and pioneering a whole-school approach to supporting most able pupils
    Acquire practical tools and resources to develop most able pupil policies and programmes
  • Network with like-minded professionals and exchange ideas, experiences, and best-practices to monitor and improve the progress and attainment of Most Able pupils
  • Gain 8 hours of CPD points towards your yearly quota
  • Online Registration

  • Chair’s Welcome Address

    Dr Andrew P. Hill, Professor, York St John University (invited)

  • Keynote: Developing a Whole-School Approach to Empower Most Able Pupils to Achieve their Potential

    This session outlines strategies to supporting high-achieving students, allocating resources, fostering community partnerships, and identifying effective interventions to empower all students academically.

    • Recruiting and designating most able people leads to ensure students have a support system who can help strengthen their academic abilities
    • Tips on allocating resources for personalised support including tutoring and enrichment programs
    • Fostering partnerships with community organisations to enhance opportunities for disadvantaged students
    • Recommendations on identifying which interventions are suitable for individual pupils

    Erica Holt-White, Senior Research & Policy Officer, Sutton Trust (CONFIRMED)

  • Keynote: The Family Perspective: Insights from Young People with High Learning Potential (HLP) and Dual or Multiple Exceptionality (DME) and their Parents


    After nearly 60 years of working with young people with HLP and DME, Potential Plus UK have a unique perspective on the experiences of these families. The charity works extensively with parents, many of whom arrive at their door in crisis, and hears daily about the challenges they and their children face. They collaborate with schools to support both teachers and their students. Two major projects over the last academic year working directly with young people aged 13+ have provided deeper insights into what life is like for secondary age students with HLP/DME and allowed their voices to be heard, without the filter of parents and teachers.

    This session hopes to inform and prompt debate, striving to contribute to the evolution of improved provision for young people with HLP/DME to enable them to reach their full and unique potential.

    Olivia Smith, Deputy CEO, Potential Plus UK (CONFIRMED)

  • Questions and Answers

  • Comfort Break

  • Case Study: Addressing Bias to Ensure Fairness in Identifying Most Able Pupils in Schools

    This case study tackles biases in identifying high-achieving students in UK schools. It educates staff and stakeholders about unconscious bias, promotes evidence-based decisions, and advocates for regular strategy reviews to ensure fairness and continual improvement.

    • Educating staff and stakeholders about the impact of unconscious bias when identifying most able pupils
    • Adopting evidence-based decision-making strategies and recording justifications to ensure assessments of pupil abilities rely on objective criteria to prevent discrimination
    • Creating robust reporting procedures to prevent and tackle discrimination towards most able pupils from staff and pupils alike
    • Regularly reviewing and adjusting strategies to address unconscious bias in identifying most able pupils and ensuring continuous improvement towards equitable outcomes

    Clare Berry, Interim Headmistress, King Edward VI Handsworth School for Girls  (invited)

  • Case Study: Supporting Neurodiverse Most Able Pupils Through Tailored Interventions

    This case study explores tailored interventions for supporting neurodiverse high achievers in UK schools. It emphasizes collaboration among staff, tailored support and accommodations, varied instructional techniques, and accessible learning materials. These strategies aim to foster the success of neurodiverse high achievers in inclusive educational environments

    • Encouraging collaboration with teachers, SENCOs, and relevant staff to support more able and gifted students effectively
    • Providing tailored support and accommodations for neurodiverse most able students, ensuring access to challenging learning opportunities
    • Implementing varied instructional techniques to cater to diverse learning styles including multisensory methods, project-based learning, and flexible grouping
    • Ensuring accessible learning materials, resources, and assessments for neurodiverse most able pupils including technology solutions and additional support

    Sarah Hurtado, Headteacher, Strathmore School (invited)

  • Case Study: Providing Specialised Support and Encouraging Most Able Pupils from Disadvantaged Backgrounds to Achieve their Highest Potential

    This case study explores strategies for supporting high-achieving students from disadvantaged backgrounds in UK schools. It focuses on tailored programs, fostering staff collaboration, utilising pupil premium funding, and engaging with parents, teachers, and community partners. These efforts aim to empower students to reach their highest potential.

    • Developing tailored programs and interventions to address the specific needs of most able pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds
    • Fostering collective buy-in among staff to develop effective policies and programmes to support most able pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds
    • Utilising funding to enhance staff skills and improve extra-curricular opportunities for disadvantaged pupils
    • Forming local partnerships with community stakeholders to enable a united approach to identifying and supporting most able pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds

    Donna Lee, Headteacher, Nettlesworth Primary School (CONFIRMED)

  • Questions and Answers

  • Lunch Break

  • Keynote: Fostering Excellence in Education through a Comprehensive Approach to Nurturing High Achievers

    This keynote offers guidance in nurturing high achievers in education by focusing on shared terminology, integrated policies, and teaching assistant support. It promotes common goals for all students, fostering excellence and inclusivity.

    • Ensuring definitions and terminology surrounding most able pupils are incorporated into school policy
    • Promoting a shared understanding of most able pupil terminology by both staff and pupils to foster accountability and responsibility
    • Supporting every student in striving for and attaining their full potential by integrating personalised learning objectives and assessments
    • Effectively utilising teaching assistants to deliver one-to-one and small group support using structured interventions

    Christabel Shepherd, Director of Challenge and Curriculum Development, NACE (CONFIRMED)

  • Case Study: Ensuring Excellency Beyond the Classroom With Extra Curricular

    This case study highlights strategies for promoting excellence beyond the classroom in UK schools. It includes enrichment activities, mentorship programs, access to specialised resources, and exclusive seminars tailored for high-achieving students. These initiatives aim to enrich their educational experiences and foster personal and academic growth.

    • Providing enriching extra-curriculum activities to highlight the importance of raising aspirations and critical thinking
    • Implementing mentorship programs which pair most able students with industry experts in fields of interest to encourage personalised guidance for pupils
    • Ensuring access to specialised resources, facilities, and equipment to support independent studies and projects
    • Creating exclusive seminars or workshops tailored for most able students to generate knowledge in specific areas of interest

    Ms J Hamill, Headteacher, Oaks Park High School (invited)

  • Questions and Answers

  • Breakout Networking: Implementing a Data-Driven Approach to Determine the Best Interventions for Helping Most Able Pupils Develop

    This session will provide you with the opportunity to discuss the main challenges you face in implementing data-driven approaches to help identify and support most able pupils. Share your experiences and ideas to encourage collaboration.

  • Comfort Break

  • Case Study: Facilitating Academic Progression and Supporting Transitions Between Schools for Most Able Pupils

    This session outlines strategies for smooth transitions of high-achieving pupils during primary and secondary shifts, including aiding academic advancement, establishing routines, providing tailored support, and fostering positive relationships to enhance student well-being during change.

    • Introducing methods to aid students’ academic advancement during school transitions through curriculum consistency, teacher discussions and bridging projects
    • Establishing school routines: facilitating smooth transitions through cross-phase links, inductions, taster days, and familiarising pupils with school routines
    • Offering bespoke support for most able pupils with additional needs during times of change and transition
    • Fostering positive relationships with transition stakeholders through effective communication and information sharing

    Kirsten Mould, Senior Content Manager, EEF (invited)

  • Case study: Developing Robust Methods of Identifying Most Able Pupils and Sharing Best Practise Interventions

    This case study outlines strategies to improve identifying high-achieving students and implementing interventions in UK schools. It advocates for standardised policies, holistic assessments, supporting underachieving high-achievers, and using data for informed decision-making.

    • Developing comprehensive and standardised policies to identify most able pupils
    • Implementing a holistic approach to determine most able pupils and providing person-centred support
    • Key guidance on identifying and supporting under-achieving most able pupils and ensuring early interventions
    • Utilising data to facilitate a deeper understanding of the needs of most able pupils and create informed strategic decisions

    Mrs Louise Jeffs, Assistant Headteacher, Teaching & Learning, CPD / ITT, Hatch End High School (invited)

  • Questions and Answers

  • Chair’s Closing Remarks

    *Programme subject to change


Who Should Attend

Who Should Attend?

Delegates who will have an interest in this event will be people who work in primary and secondary schools.

*This Conference is open to Public, Private and Third Sectors

For more information or to make a booking please call 0330 058 4285


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Benefits of partnering with us include:

  • Brand awareness: Be seen by a highly targeted and engaged audience before, during, and after the conference.
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  • Networking: Make valuable connections with potential new customers and partners across government and the wider public sector
  • Grow your business: Reach decision makers in a single event on just one day and in one location (with no travel/accommodation required), saving you time and money.
  • Gain valuable insights: Hear the latest from key stakeholders in government, and across the public and voluntary sectors.

IMPORTANT: There are only a small number of sponsorship opportunities available to ensure maximum exposure and ROI – contact us today to secure your place.

All packages include:

  • Extensive branding – before, during, after the conference
  • 15-20 min morning speaking session with Q&A
  • Virtual stand to showcase your organisation, products, services, and solutions
  • Opportunities to network during the day
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  • 1-3 delegate places (worth upto £1,947)
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For more information and discuss your specific objectives, please contact Chris and Ali at sponsorship@governmentevents.co.uk or complete our enquiry form here

Virtual vs F2F

Whilst F2F provide better options for networking, there are many distinct advantages of sponsoring our online conferences including:

  • Wider geographical reach of delegates and a different audience who prefer online to f2f
  • Lower sponsorship package costs
  • No travel/accommodation
  • Less time out of the office
  • No stand materials required (lower costs)
  • 1 of only 2 sponsors involved – less competition on the day
  • Prime speaking slot in the morning of the conference including Q&A – less distractions and easier for delegates to hear/absorb information
  • Receive all delegate data after the conference to follow-up directly with those who attend and don’t attend (small % but still key stakeholders)
  • Ongoing exposure via OnDemand access (coming soon)

To find out more and discuss your specific objectives, please contact Chris and Ali at sponsorship@governmentevents.co.uk or complete our enquiry form here

  • Voluntary Sector:: £330.00 +VAT+VAT
  • Public Sector:: £360.00 +VAT+VAT
  • Private Sector:: £499.00 +VAT+VAT

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✓ High Level Keynotes

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