The focus of this online course is to increase the awareness, capabilities and confidence of front-line staff in identifying and supporting customers and service users who may be potentially vulnerable. With the majority of workforces working remotely and many others facing vulnerabilities in these challenging and uncertain times, this programme will provide clarity on how front-line workers can adapt to provide their services to potentially vulnerable customers.
Over three interactive sessions, participants will analyse the core considerations needed whilst providing a service to an increasingly vulnerable population. The programme will include tasks to enable participants to assess their practices and consider how they could be improved.
Register now and prepare to enhance your service approach and learn new ways to overcome challenges when working with vulnerable customers and service users.
- Understand what vulnerability is and how it affects individuals
- Discover different approaches to help recognise potentially vulnerable customers
- Identify the specific needs customers have when dealing with organisations
- Gain practical knowledge on how to adapt service levels to effectively meet these needs
TRAINER: Helen Pettifer
Helen Pettifer is a Customer Service consultant and trainer, specialising in consumer vulnerability since early 2018.
Helen has built up a strong brand reputation for her work in raising awareness and understanding within organisations on how they can best support vulnerable customers.
This work has been delivered across all sectors, however predominantly within the financial and public sector.
Helen is regularly invited to speak at conferences, forums and on webinars and podcasts. At the end of 2019 Helen launched her own podcast entitled ‘Unlocking Vulnerability’.
For more information or to make a booking please call 0330 0947 344
Session One
- Understanding vulnerability
- Definition of vulnerable customers and service users
- Drivers of vulnerability
- Understanding vulnerable situations and circumstances
- Impact of vulnerability
- Understanding vulnerability
Session Two
- Recognising vulnerability and identifying needs
- Indicators of vulnerability
- Understanding all behaviour
- Recognising and understanding potential risks of harm
- Encouraging disclosure
- Detection vs Volunteering
- Recognising vulnerability and identifying needs
Session Three
- Responding and adapting to needs
- Responding vs reacting
- Empathetic responses
- Adapting and offering alternatives
- Signposting
- Final Discussion and Q&A
- Responding and adapting to needs
Trainer’s Summary and Close
- Online Fee: £199+VAT