Speaker Presentations: The LGBT+ In The Workplace Conference 2021
Thank you for attending The LGBT+ In The Workplace Conference 2021!
We hope you found the day informative and interesting. You can download the speaker presentations after the event from this page. Please bookmark or otherwise save this page so that you are able to return.
Ian Adams, Director of Membership and Stakeholder Engagement, NHS Resolution
Quinn Roache, Policy Officer: Disability and LGBT+ Equality, TUC
Sarah Campbell, Head of Empowerment, Stonewall
Woosh Raza, Head of Human Resources, Learning & Development, Phoenix Futures
Amy Stanning, Representative, GIRES
Patrick Rowe, Chief Compliance Officer and Deputy General Counsel, Accenture
You can find recordings of the event sessions here:
Morning Session 1: Starts at 18.00
Workshop: Starts at 09.00
Afternoon Session 1: Starts at 09.40
Afternoon Session 2: Starts at 10.40
Additional Resources:
Contact Information:
Woosh Raza – https://www.linkedin.com/in/woosh-raza-chartered-mcipd-8a8b3034/?originalSubdomain=uk