According to research carried out by the Victims Commissioner, 68% of victims feel the wait before their case goes to court is too long.

Naomi Burke is a Head of Department in the Victim and Care Unit for Surrey Police. She has over 20 years of experience supporting victims of crime. With Surrey Police she provides end-to-end support across the criminal justice process, empowering and reassuring victims and witnesses in the criminal justice system.

In this video, Naomi shares the impact the criminal justice process has on victims. She highlights the importance of giving them access to special measures at an early stage, supporting vulnerable victims throughout the criminal justice process, and safeguarding them. By providing this support, officers help strengthen the evidence victims and witnesses provide in court.

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68% of victims feel the wait before their case goes to court is too long. In this video, Naomi Burke is the Head of the Witness and Care Unit at Surrey Police discusses special measures and the importance of supporting vulnerable victims early in criminal justice process to help achieve good evidence later in court.

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