In 2020, the Government launched the Charter for Social Housing Residents White Paper. This sets out new expectations for housing associations and local authorities to improve tenant engagement and accountability in the social housing system.

Emma Warwick is the Head of Service in Neighbourhoods and Housing at Hull City Council where she oversees numerous strategies championing the customer voice and implementing service improvements. Steve Shirra is the Business Insight and Quality Manager in Neighbourhoods and Housing at Hull City Council, where he works with tenant representatives.

In this video, Emma and Steve share how Hull City Council have used the pyramid of engagement model to improve communication with tenants and involve them in housing-related decisions.

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In 2020, the Government launched the Charter for Social Housing Residents White Paper. This sets out new expectations for housing associations and local authorities to improve tenant engagement and accountability in the social housing system. In this video, Emma Warwick, Head of Service Neighbourhoods & Housing and Steve Shirra, Business Insight & Quality at Hull City Council share how their council has used the pyramid of engagement model to improve tenant engagement in their social housing stock.

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