There were 12,720 children identified by social services as being at risk of child criminal exploitation by gangs between March 2021-2022, according to the Department for Education.

Abbee McLatchie is Director of Youth Work at the National Youth Agency, which is the professional statutory regulatory body for youth work in England. She is a qualified youth and community worker with experience in a range of sectors, from alternative education to social work.

In this video, Abbee discusses the changing landscape of child criminal exploitation and how services can reduce vulnerabilities when supporting at-risk individuals. She explores how young people have become more invisible to society and how organisations can better engage with them to prevent criminal exploitation.

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There were 12,720 children identified by social services as being at risk of child criminal exploitation by gangs between March 2021-2022. In this video, Abbee McLatchie, Director of Youth Work at the National Youth Agency discusses some of the challenges young people face which make them vulnerable to criminal exploitation and how services can better engage with them to provide support.

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