Tackling Hate Crime Conference: Collaborative Working and Supporting Victims – Presentations & Recordings

Thank you for attending our Tackling Hate Crime Conference. Speaker presentations and the recordings of the day will be available below – please bookmark this page so that you are able to return.

Jemma Levene, Deputy Director, Hope Not Hate

Mike Ainsworth, Director of London Services, Stop Hate UK

Louise Holden, London Disability Hate Crime Project Manager, Inclusion London

Kulbir Pasricha, Community Engagement and Hate Crime Manager, Kent Police  (will be available soon!)

Councillor Ian Adams, LGBT+ Lead Member, Westminster City Council

Drew Simms, Transphobic Hate Crime Victim Advocate, Galop


Morning Session 1: Kusminder Chahal, Jemma Levene and Mike Ainsworth

Morning Session 2: Louise Holden

Afternoon Session: Councillor Ian Adams and Drew Simms