The 2nd Annual Future of NHS Funding and Finance Conference Speaker Presentations 24th September 2020
Thank you for attending The 2nd Annual Future of NHS Funding and Finance Conference.
We hope you found the day informative and interesting. You can download the speaker presentations below.
William Palmer, Senior Fellow in Health Policy, Nuffield Trust
Hardev Virdee, Group Chief Financial Officer, Barts Health NHS Trust
Mathieu Webster, Transformation Lead, NHS Shared Business Services
Robert White, Director of Health Value for Money (VFM), National Audit Office
Helen Wells, Deputy Director of Finance, The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust
You can find recordings of the event sessions here:
Morning Session 1: Anita Charlesworth CBE & Bob Alexander
Morning Session 2: William Palmer & Karen Geoghegan
Afternoon Session 1: Hardev Virdee, Mathieu Webster & Dr Peter Bibawy