The Future of British High Streets: Manchester: Speaker Presentations and Recordings, 3rd September 2020
Thank you for attending The Future of British High Streets: Manchester. We hope you found the day informative and interesting.
You can download the speaker presentations here:
Graham Galpin MSc FIPM, Economic Development Consultant, High Streets Expert Advisory Panel
Dr Steve Millington, Director, Institute of Place Management
Subrahmaniam Krishnan-Harihara, Head of Research, Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce
Nalin Seneviratne, Director – City Centre Development, Sheffield City Council
Catherine Dewar, Regional Director for the North West, Historic England
Preston Benson, Founder, Really Local Group
Richard Roe, Corporate Director, Place, Trafford Council
You can find recordings of the event sessions here:
Morning Session 1: Graham Galpin, Ben Jones & Dr Steve Millington
Morning Session 2: Subrahmaniam Krishnan-Harihara & Nalin Seneviratne
Afternoon Session 1: Catherine Dewar & Preston Benson
Afternoon Session 2: Richard Roe & Graham Galpin