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The Latest Insights and Updates on Current Trends in Higher Education Marketing

Over 600,000 university applications were made through UCAS in 2022. In this video Dave Penney, Director of Marketing for UCAS highlights data points for universities to monitor to continually improve marketing campaigns to help them be more engaging for prospective students.

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Developing Evidence-Based Pupil Premium Strategies: Guidance for School Leaders

In the financial year 2023-24, pupil premium spending is set to increase to almost £2.9 billion. Kate Burls, Policy Manager for the Education Endowment Foundation, discusses the importance of using evidence when allocating pupil premium spending in a school to benefit all students and close the attainment gap.

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Working in Partnership Regionally to Improve Educational Outcomes for Disadvantaged Pupils

1 in 5 children and young people in West London aren’t getting the support they need to thrive. In this video, Louisa Mitchell, Chief Executive of West London Zone shares the benefits of working in partnership to create bespoke support systems for vulnerable children and young people to help them achieve their full potential.

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Encouraging Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds to Study STEM Subjects

Schools are currently facing recruitment and retainment issues for STEM leaders, hindering the access disadvantaged students have to the subjects. In this video, Jodie McGeehan, the Principal Teacher of STEM at ST Andrew’s RC Secondary, highlights how a whole school and community support of STEM subjects has helped less advantaged students access and pursue STEM.

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Government Update: Guidance on Teaching Age-Appropriate Relationships, Sex and Health Education

In March 2023, Rishi Sunak ordered a review of sex education in schools. This government update discusses the current guidance in place regarding relationships and sex education in both primary and secondary schools. It further outlines government proposals for updating the guidance and introduces the advisory panel which has been assembled to assess the curriculum in place.

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Giving Pupils with English as an Additional Language the Right Tools to Succeed

1.7 million pupils in the UK are recorded as having English as their second language, according to the Office for National Statistics. Three teachers discuss the value visual aids add to teaching EAL students and the challenges these students face when joining a new school.

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Improving Whole School Wellbeing Through the Thrive Approach

The number of children in the UK reporting low happiness appears to have increased in recent years according to the Children's Society. In this article, Amy Carnell from Race Leys Junior School discusses how the implementation of Thrive in the school has benefitted children's and teacher's wellbeing.

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The creation and implementation of the ‘Peer Wellbeing Project’

Between 2021 and 2022, one of the primary concerns for young people contacting childline was mental health. In this article Harry Dixon, Engagement and Participation Worker for Compass...GO Lincolnshire Mental Health Support team discusses supporting children's mental health in schools and the implementation of the peer wellbeing project across North East Lincolnshire.

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Tools and Research to Support Teacher Workload and Wellbeing

68% of teaching staff said their workload was not manageable in a recent survey conducted by TES. Dr Joana Cardim-Dias, Senior Researcher at the Education Policy Institute discusses recent research, highlighting practical insights where schools can support staff to prevent them from being overwhelmed with the workload.

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Improving the Quality of Teaching and Outcomes for Learners Through the Accreditation of the Inclusion Quality Mark Award

Inclusive practice is one of the biggest challenges senior leadership in primary schools face. Donna Lee, Headteacher of Nettlesworth Primary School discusses the process of gaining Inclusion Quality Mark Award accreditation and how this has helped create a learning environment where children flourish.

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Implementing a Whole School Approach to Teaching the Arts

Since 2010, there has been a 40% fall in GCSE Arts entries. Children need to be engaged in the arts from an earlier age to encourage uptake in the subjects. Race Leys Junior School explore the importance of arts education in the curriculum, sharing how they have implemented a whole school approach to teaching the arts.

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Developing Secondary Students’ Skills Through Community-Based Projects

Professor Tom Dobson is a Professor of Education in the School of Education, Psychology and Linguistics at York St John University. He shares how providing young people with the opportunity to engage with projects in their local community can help develop skills needed to transform the workplace and improve education outcomes.

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