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Tackling Mental Health Inequalities: Ensuring Accessibility for All Communities

Every 1 in 4 people in the UK have mental health difficulty. In this video, the Centre for Mental Health discuss inequalities that increase risk of poor mental and how these inequalities prevent people from accessing services to get the help they need.

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Fixing the Digital Divide to Decrease Health Inequalities

1.5 million households in the UK do not have internet access. Dr Emma Stone, Director of Evidence and Engagement at the Good Things Foundation discusses the impacts of the digital divide on health inequalities and how local authorities can help relieve the pressure on volunteer organisations with helping individuals have online access.

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Understanding the Impact of the Pandemic on Health Inequalities

Those living in the most deprived areas of England spend a third of their lives in poor health. In this video, Dr Tammy Boyce, Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Health Equity shares insights from the Marmot Report, highlighting the longer term impacts of the pandemic on health inequalities in England.

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Addressing Sexual Health Inequalities

Sexual health inequalities are unfair and avoidable differences in sexual health across the population, and between different groups within society. This article examines inequalities in sexual health and offers up practical solutions to better support the groups who are most affected.

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