In 2022, 82,170 children were recorded as being looked after by local authorities in England.

Clare Bracey is the Director of Policy, Campaigns & Communication at Become. She has over 25 years of experience working in the charity sector at both a local and national level. In December 2021, Clare joined Become where she leads on ensuring decision-makers and the public hear the voices of children and young people.

In this video, Clare highlights the importance of research in improving outcomes for children in care. She addresses the need to include care leavers voices in the research to ensure authorities know what support is needed when they are leaving care.

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According to the Office for National Statistics, in 2022 82,170 children were recorded as being looked after by local authorities in England. In this video, Become discuss improving the outcomes of children in care and the importance of listening to care leavers to understand what is meant by a successful care leaver story.

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