Mental Health Services

Including Emotional Support in Weight Management Services

Weight Management Services are a big part of the NHS Get Better Strategy. However, they only address the metric weight of a patient. Emotional support is needed to help the patient understand the potential underlying reasons for their situation. Only through a joint emotional and physical approach to weight management can patients’ be supported to make healthier decisions.

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Providing Culturally Competent Mental Health Support

Multiple studies have highlighted health inequalities which disproportionately affect Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities. Issues have been identified across the entire lifespan, from increased dental disease in childhood, poor experiences for black women using maternity services, to low numbers of elderly black people using mental health services. This case study will highlight the work CAHN are carrying out to identify structural and systemic barriers, and how they continued to deliver their services throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Supporting the Mental Wellbeing of Healthcare Workers during the Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken an unprecedented toll on our healthcare workers. Consequently, the workforce are struggling with their mental health. This case study examines this and suggests ways to help these workers.

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