Mental Health Services

Suicide Prevention Strategy for England: The Latest Government Guidance

Verity Mallion, the Suicide Prevention Lead at the Department of Health and Social Care, delivered an insightful keynote at our National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024 on the latest government guidance and updates aimed at reducing suicide rates and improving support for vulnerable individuals.

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Tackling Mental Health Inequalities: Ensuring Accessibility for All Communities

Every 1 in 4 people in the UK have mental health difficulty. In this video, the Centre for Mental Health discuss inequalities that increase risk of poor mental and how these inequalities prevent people from accessing services to get the help they need.

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Government Guidance and Updates on Tackling Substance and Drugs Misuse

In 2021, there were 4,859 deaths reported deaths related to drug poisoning. In this video, the Home Office Joint Combatting Drugs Unit share the latest guidance for tackling drug and substance misuse, highlighting how authorities can learn from high performing areas to reduce drug rates.

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Government Update: The Essex Mental Health Inquiry

Many people will experience mental health problems in their lives. This government update looks at some of the long-term government aims to improve mental health services and the recent Essex mental heath statutory inquiry.

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Working in Partnership to Provide Wrap-Around Support to People Affected by Eating Disorders

It is estimated that 1.25 million people in the UK have an eating disorder. In this video Paula Blight, Chief Executive of Somerset and Wessex Eating Disorder Association, discusses developing joined up pathways between services to intervene early and help individuals recover from their eating disorder.

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Encouraging Healthy Lifestyles and Supporting Young Adults with Eating Disorders

More young people than ever before are receiving treatment for eating disorders, according to NHS figures. In this video, Sue Dixon, Head of Teacher Education at Goldsmiths, discusses the development and benefits of early intervention in providing wrap around care for young adults with eating disorders.

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Understanding Lived Experience to Drive Improvements in Eating Disorder Treatments

In the UK, people with eating disorders face a 3.5-year delay between falling ill and starting treatment. In this video Duncan Campbell and Fiona Jenkins from EmpowerED discuss the importance of understanding and including lived experience in the development of eating disorder treatment plans to ensure a patient centred approach.

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The Link Between Addiction and Trauma

There were 289,215 adults in contact with drug and alcohol services between April 2021 and March 2022. Paul Dent, Strategic Engagement Lead at Gordon Moody discusses the link between maladaptive coping issues and addictive disorders.

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The Value of Garden Therapy for People Living with Dementia

An estimated 944,000 people are living with dementia in the UK. Isobel Jones, CEO of Alive discusses the positive impacts of garden therapy for those living with dementia. She also shares how they set up the allotment and the overall benefits of it on the wider care home community.

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The creation and implementation of the ‘Peer Wellbeing Project’

Between 2021 and 2022, one of the primary concerns for young people contacting childline was mental health. In this article Harry Dixon, Engagement and Participation Worker for Compass...GO Lincolnshire Mental Health Support team discusses supporting children's mental health in schools and the implementation of the peer wellbeing project across North East Lincolnshire.

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Improving Gender Identity Training Can Improve the Lives of Trans People Using NHS Services 

According to Stonewall, 45% of people have said their GP did not understand their needs as a trans person in the Trans Lives Survey. In this article, Dr Jamie Willo, child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapist at Sussex Partnership Trust, shares their personal quest to ensure that trans people have timely access to NHS services and are treated by clinicians who understand their needs.

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Combatting the Challenge of Gambling Harms

Around 7% of the population are found to be negatively affected by someone else’s gambling, according to the 2021 Public Health England review. In this article Paul Dent, Strategic Engagement Lead at Gordon Moody, discusses the current landscape of gambling and the challenges organisations face when supporting problem gamblers.

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