Health & Social Care

Suicide Prevention Strategy for England: The Latest Government Guidance

Verity Mallion, the Suicide Prevention Lead at the Department of Health and Social Care, delivered an insightful keynote at our National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024 on the latest government guidance and updates aimed at reducing suicide rates and improving support for vulnerable individuals.

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Embedding Deprivation of Living Safeguards in Social Care Teams

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards are an amendment to the Mental Capacity Act. In this article, Kirklees Council discuss how they have worked in partnership to deliver services and embed Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards as part of social care plans.

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Supporting Care-Experienced Young People in Accessing Higher Education

Care-experienced young people face significant barriers to accessing higher education. In this video, Patricia Ambrose from the National Network for the Education of Care Leavers (NNECL) discusses the importance of pro-active measures, resources, and outreach exercises to improving the educational outcomes for care-experienced young people.

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Delivering Wrap-Around Support for Vulnerable Survivors of Modern Slavery

12,727 people were referred to authorities as suspected victims of modern slavery in 2021, according to Home Office data. Dr Julia Tomas is the anti-slavery coordinator at the Passage, in this video she discusses the multi agency case conference approach they have in place to provide wrap around support for survivors of modern slavery.

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Fixing the Digital Divide to Decrease Health Inequalities

1.5 million households in the UK do not have internet access. Dr Emma Stone, Director of Evidence and Engagement at the Good Things Foundation discusses the impacts of the digital divide on health inequalities and how local authorities can help relieve the pressure on volunteer organisations with helping individuals have online access.

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The Value of Garden Therapy for People Living with Dementia

An estimated 944,000 people are living with dementia in the UK. Isobel Jones, CEO of Alive discusses the positive impacts of garden therapy for those living with dementia. She also shares how they set up the allotment and the overall benefits of it on the wider care home community.

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Training and Funding Opportunities for Social Care Teams 2023

Training is an integral part of any social care team to ensure skills and support of patients are continually improved. Skills for Care discuss some of the training schemes social care teams can access this year and funding opportunities available to cover the costs of these development programmes.

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Co-Producing Direct Payments that Work for Everyone in Adult Social Care

With £5.4 billion of revenue from the new Health and Social Care Levy going towards social care reforms, there is renewed funding for local authorities to meet demands in adult social care. Kirklees Council share how they have implemented co-produced direct payments to support carers and those in care.

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Improving Care Outcomes for Children with Disabilities  

As of March 2022, there were 80,000 children living in care in England. Sharon Howard, Assistant Director of Lifespan, the Disabled Children and Young People's Service at Kent County Council discusses the multidisciplinary pathway the service has developed through partnership working to deliver support to disabled young people and their families.

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The Benefits of Using Intergenerational Programmes in Care Settings

Rochdale Boroughwide Housing are the UK's first tenant and employee co-owned housing society. They discuss working in partnership with Rochdale Sixth Form to deliver an intergenerational programme to both improve tenants technological skills and help students understand the positive impact they have on the older generation.

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Strategies for Tackling the Gender Health Gap

In July 2022, the Government published the first Women’s Health Strategy to address the challenges women face in accessing healthcare. Miss Karen Joash, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and Head of the School for Obstetrics and Gynaecology for London, Health Education England discusses the strategy and specific conditions to identify gender health gap priority areas of focus in UK healthcare.

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Working with Service Users to Develop Follow Up Programmes After a Mental Health Crisis

Demand for crisis mental health services has increased by a third since before the pandemic and doubled since 2017. In this video, Owen Salem, Operational Support Officer at Youth Fed discusses how organisations need to work collaboratively with NHS Trusts and service users to understand the early signs of crises and to develop coping strategies once they are discharged.

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