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Understanding the Impact of the Pandemic on Health Inequalities

Those living in the most deprived areas of England spend a third of their lives in poor health. In this video, Dr Tammy Boyce, Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Health Equity shares insights from the Marmot Report, highlighting the longer term impacts of the pandemic on health inequalities in England.

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The Environmental Benefits of Hybrid Working

The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly transformed working practices and cultures. We heard from Andy Nolan, Director of Development and Sustainability at the University of Nottingham, shared with us some recent research into the environmental benefits of hybrid working.

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Using Covid-19 Catch-Up Funds to Reduce the Attainment Gap

The Covid-19 Catch-Up Funds have been fundamental in helping schools decrease the attainment gap between students and helping disadvantaged students catch up with their peers. We heard from Lee Raftery, Deputy Headteacher of the Royal Liberty School about how interventions funded by the catch-up fund have helped improve student progress.

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How the Pandemic has Changed the Face of Widening Access Outreach – Learning and Challenges

Throughout the pandemic universities have had to devise new ways to deliver outreach programmes to disadvantaged students. We heard from Dr Andrew Ross about how the pandemic changed the way the Widening Access team at the University of Bath delivered outreach programmes.

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The Impact of Covid-19 on Schools

Lockdowns have had a massive impact on the education sector, with schools across the UK being closed for months on end, and learning having to move online. This briefing examines the ongoing impacts of Covid-19 on the education sector; discussing the ways schools have had to adapt teaching strategies so students are continually supported in their learning journey.

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Voluntary Sector Leadership: Effectively Managing a Remote Workforce

Like everyone else, the voluntary sector had to adapt to a shift in working style during the pandemic. We heard from Peter Reeve, Chair of the Charity HR Network and Head of HR at the Motor Neurone Disease Association, on why hybrid working is good for the voluntary sector workforce

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Attainment Gap: Cultural Capital and the Attainment Gap

Cultural Capital is the knowledge children need to prepare them for future success in life. We heard from Jackie O’Hanlon of the Royal Shakespeare Company about how culture and the arts can be used to help close the attainment gap and improve language development.

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Attainment Gap: Supporting Disadvantaged Pupils

For the first time since 2011 As a result of the pandemic and the impact of remote learning, the attainment gap between children has started to widen. Alex Quigley, of the Education Endowment Foundation shared how early intervention and sustained parental involvement in learning can help provide better support to disadvantaged students.

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Attainment Gap: Using Schoolwide Strategies to Tackle the Attainment Gap

The pandemic posed significant challenges for schools, with remote learning and disruption to learning widening the attainment gap across England. We heard from Sarah Rostrom of St Bede Church of England Primary Academy about how innovative schoolwide strategies can improve support for teachers, enabling them to deliver bespoke learning packages to students to tackle the attainment gap.

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Suicide Prevention: Speak Their Name: Supporting Families Bereaved by Suicide

Speak Their Name: The Greater Manchester Suicide Memorial Quilt, was a project started by the Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership for World Suicide Prevention Day 2020. We heard more about the project from Adele Owen QPM the Greater Manchester Suicide Prevention Programme Manager at the Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership.

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Turning Leisure Facilities into Income Streams for Local Government

In September 2020 only 56% of leisure facilities had reopened after lockdown restrictions were lifted, mainly due to their economic unviability. This case study looks at how South Kesteven District Council reopened their leisure facilities and switched management plans. This change made their leisure facilities economically viable and opened up an income stream for the council.

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How has Covid-19 Impacted the Voluntary Sector

Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the voluntary sector, with operational costs and demand for online services increasing, finances deteriorating and less time to address diversity issues in the workforce. This infographic gives an overview of the key challenges that the sector faced during the pandemic.

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