Covid-19 and Race: Supporting Employees
A CIPD 2020 Report on the impact of Covid-19 on ethnic minorities.
Keep readingKey topic areas covered include: Health & Wellbeing, Diversity & Inclusion, and Workforce & Leadership.
Government Updates
Covid-19 and Race: Supporting Employees
A CIPD 2020 Report on the impact of Covid-19 on ethnic minorities.
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The Impact of Covid-19 on BAME Women
Research from the Fawcett Society demonstrating specific disproportionalities to do with employment, anxiety, debt and childcare.
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Addressing the Barriers to BAME Employee Career Progression to the Top
A CIPD report 'addressing the barriers to BAME employee career progression to the top'.
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Building Inclusive Workplaces
A CIPD report assessing the evidence base for actively building inclusive workplaces.
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Being a Gender Champion in your Workplace
A quick guide on being a workplace gender champion from the EHRC and Working Families.
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Stonewall: LGBT in Britain Work Report
This report investigates the experiences of the 3,213 employed LGBT respondents and their experiences of discrimination in the workplace.
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Pregnant and Precarious: New and Expectant Mums’ Experiences of Work during Covid-19
A TUC report on new and expectant mums’ experiences of work during Covid-19.
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Dress Codes and Sex Discrimination – What you need to know
This guidance from the GEO is for employers who set dress codes and employees who may have to abide by them.
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Evidence Backed Actions to Close the Gender Pay Gap
A GEO and BI Team document on reducing the gender pay gap and improving gender equality in organisations.
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GEO Guidance: What Works to Reduce your Gender Pay Gap
A GEO guidance note family friendly policies for the workplace.
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BITC: Ethnicity and the Economic Impact of Covid-19
This BITC factsheet covers how the pandemic has economically impacted those from minority backgrounds.
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The Race at Work: Black Voices Report
A BITC report sharing insights into the experiences of black employees in the workplace.
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