Diversity & Inclusion

Why it’s Time for a Holistic Approach to Supporting Returning Parents

Helping new mothers to return to work and planning for maternity leave are just two of the challenges employers face when supporting pregnant and postnatal employees. Returning Works® Founder Dr Emma Waltham explains why it’s time for a more systemic approach to supporting expectant and returning parents.

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Creating a more inclusive workplace for Neurodivergent Staff

Supporting neurodivergent employees is essential to creating diverse and inclusive workplaces. Staff networks are a good way of creating a sense of belonging. Jess Gosling, co-Chair of The Civil Service Neurodiversity Network discusses how their network has benefitted colleagues and how this approach can benefit other workplaces.

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Why Allyship is Key to Fostering an Inclusive Culture with Maternity in the Workplace

In 2018, the Equality and Human Rights Commission found that 4 in 10 employers agreed that pregnancy in the workplace puts an unnecessary cost burden on the workplace. Dr Emma Waltham, Maternity Returns Specialist, Founder of Returning Works, discusses the importance of allyship when fostering an inclusive culture towards maternity in the workplace.

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Supporting LGBTQ+ Colleagues with Mental Health in the Workplace

LGBTQ+ people are 1 and a half times more likely to develop depression and anxiety. Sarah Stephenson-Hunter, Staff Disability Advisor and Trans Lead at the University of Oxford shares how we can be better allies in supporting LGBTQ+ colleagues with their mental health.

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The Gender Pension Pay Gap: An Unhidden Pay Gap

In March 2020, the UK Government launched an initiative to improve pay transparency in the job application process to improve opportunities for women. Sam Dewey is the Reward & Wellbeing Manager at Macmillan Cancer Support where he has worked for over 2 years. In this post, he discusses what the gender pensions pay gap is and some of the causes of it.

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The Positive Impacts of Staff Networks in the Workplace

In 2018, 35% of LGBTQ+ staff reported hiding their sexuality at work for fear of discrimination, according to Stonewall. Ian Adams, Director of Engagement at NHS Resolution shares some reflections on his experience as an Equality Diversity and Inclusion Champion and the positive impact staff networks are having at NHS Resolution.

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Supporting and Accommodating Disabled People in the Workplace

Recent research from the University of Derby found that a quarter of those surveyed in the research had hidden their disability from their HR department and that only 36% were open with colleagues about their condition. In this post, Acas share ways employers can make adjustments to better support disabled candidates and colleagues.

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What are Companies Doing to Tackle Workplace Maternity Bias?

All workers are protected against discrimination if they are dismissed or treated unfairly because of pregnancy or childbirth. Dr Emma Waltham, Maternity Returns Specialist discusses how companies can better support those returning from maternity leave and dismantle the bias associated with this.

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Understanding Imposter Syndrome: Challenging Learnt Behaviours

This article outlines what imposter syndrome is, how it affects women, and what can be done in the workplace and wider society to tackle it.

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How Flexible Working can Support Diversity and Inclusion

Covid-19 exposed inequalities in workplace structures and introduced a new way of working to many. Welsh gender equality charity Chwarae Teg report the need to work towards gender inequality, whilst highlighting the benefits of agile working to mitigate inequality.

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In Conversation: Creating Better Diversity Policies in the Voluntary Sector

Implementing core diversity policies in the voluntary sector is essential in creating inclusive and representative workplaces and services. We invited three champions of diversity and inclusion in the sector to discuss the topic.

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Ensuring Voluntary Sector Leadership Promotes Diversity and Inclusion

ACAS works with employers and employees to improve workplace relationships. This article looks at ways that employers in the voluntary sector can better promote diversity and inclusion.

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