
NHS Advances in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

At the 2024 Dementia Care Conference, Professor Farooq Khan, Clinical Lead for Dementia in the Midlands with NHS England, presented a detailed case study highlighting recent advances in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

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Government Guidance and Updates on Tackling Substance and Drugs Misuse

In 2021, there were 4,859 deaths reported deaths related to drug poisoning. In this video, the Home Office Joint Combatting Drugs Unit share the latest guidance for tackling drug and substance misuse, highlighting how authorities can learn from high performing areas to reduce drug rates.

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Providing Accessible Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare for the LGBTQ+ Community

1 in 7 LGBTQ+ people avoid seeking heathcare for fear of discrimination from staff. In this video Dr Vanessa Apea shares evidence of inequalities in healthcare caused by heteronormativity and highlights how we can learn from good practice to create a more inclusive healthcare environment for LGBTQ+ patients.

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Supporting Public Health Through Multi-level Sustainability Practices

The NHS is responsible for around 20 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually. In this video, Dr Rita Issa, Research Fellow at UCL Institute for Global Health breaks down the NHS carbon footprint and discusses how change can be influenced at all levels of healthcare to improve sustainability.

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Implementing Digital Health Hubs to Boost Social Inclusion and Wellbeing

33% of people who are not online find the NHS to be one of the most difficult organisations to interact with. Amy Hearn and Rachel Benn, Digital Inclusion Coordinators at Leeds City Council discuss 100% Digital Leeds and the importance of digital inclusion and how it can be used to reduce healthcare inequalities.

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Using Survivor Experiences in Modern Slavery to Improve the Services Provided

10,000 people across the UK are victims of modern slavery, according to Government statistics. In this video, Lauren Saunders, Head of Policy and Research at Unseen discusses the importance of working with survivors to develop trauma-centred care for those who have been victims of modern slavery.

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Delivering Wrap-Around Support for Vulnerable Survivors of Modern Slavery

12,727 people were referred to authorities as suspected victims of modern slavery in 2021, according to Home Office data. Dr Julia Tomas is the anti-slavery coordinator at the Passage, in this video she discusses the multi agency case conference approach they have in place to provide wrap around support for survivors of modern slavery.

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Reducing Reoffending Rates Through Digital Inclusion

In 2021, adult offenders in the UK had a proven reoffending rate of 24%, according to the Ministry of Justice. In this article, Leeds City Council share the impacts of the 100% Digital Leeds programme on prison leavers and how the programme has helped improve their real-life digital skills.

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Fixing the Digital Divide to Decrease Health Inequalities

1.5 million households in the UK do not have internet access. Dr Emma Stone, Director of Evidence and Engagement at the Good Things Foundation discusses the impacts of the digital divide on health inequalities and how local authorities can help relieve the pressure on volunteer organisations with helping individuals have online access.

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The Value of Garden Therapy for People Living with Dementia

An estimated 944,000 people are living with dementia in the UK. Isobel Jones, CEO of Alive discusses the positive impacts of garden therapy for those living with dementia. She also shares how they set up the allotment and the overall benefits of it on the wider care home community.

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The creation and implementation of the ‘Peer Wellbeing Project’

Between 2021 and 2022, one of the primary concerns for young people contacting childline was mental health. In this article Harry Dixon, Engagement and Participation Worker for Compass...GO Lincolnshire Mental Health Support team discusses supporting children's mental health in schools and the implementation of the peer wellbeing project across North East Lincolnshire.

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Improving Gender Identity Training Can Improve the Lives of Trans People Using NHS Services 

According to Stonewall, 45% of people have said their GP did not understand their needs as a trans person in the Trans Lives Survey. In this article, Dr Jamie Willo, child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapist at Sussex Partnership Trust, shares their personal quest to ensure that trans people have timely access to NHS services and are treated by clinicians who understand their needs.

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