Workforce & Leadership

Promoting Work-Life Balance in the Remote Professional World

Workload is the most common cause of work-related stress. As the demands of modern work environments continue to intensify, it has become increasingly crucial for organisations to prioritise the well-being of their employees.

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Establishing Effective LGBTQ+ Staff Networks in the Civil Service

Over one in four LGBT employees reported experiencing at least one form of employment discrimination. Saorsa-Amatheia Tweedale joined our recent LGBTQ+ in the Workplace Conference.

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Investing in Career Development and Training

If a company invests in employees’ careers, 94% said they would stay at the company longer. Career development involves setting goals, acquiring new skills, and gaining experiences that align with one's aspirations, while training focuses on systematically acquiring skills and knowledge to improve job performance.

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Improving Employment for Autistic Individuals: A Review from the DWP

Around 15 to 20 percent of people have brains that develop or work differently. Organisations are welcoming the benefits of neurodiversity such as innovation, problem-solving and high accuracy. We were honoured to welcome Stephen Lismore, Head of Autism and Learning Disability Employment Policy, Department for Work and Pensions at our our Neurodiversity in the Workplace Conference.

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7 Factors Influencing Your Talent Retention & Strategies to Improve It

Talent retention is a strategic approach focused on keeping highly skilled and valuable employees within an organisation. It goes beyond basic employee retention by specifically targeting top performers, high-potential employees, and those with critical skills. Talent retention is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and ensuring long-term organisational success.

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WATCH: Strategic Approaches to Strengthening Workplace Wellbeing (CIPD)

Rachel Suff, Senior Policy Advisor, at the Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD), spoke at our recent Mental Health in the Workplace Conference, on the topic of holistic wellbeing.

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Case study: Achieving Equality of Outcomes in EDI Principles at Organisations by the CIPD

In today’s discourse on equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), the concept of equality of outcomes plays a pivotal role. It’s essential to delve into the different models of inequality and comprehend why outcomes are crucial in achieving genuine equality.

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Engaging with a Remote Workforce: Statistics and Strategies for Success

In today's ever-evolving business landscape, remote work has transitioned from a novel concept to a widespread norm. As organisations increasingly embrace the flexibility and global reach afforded by remote work, ensuring robust engagement with a dispersed workforce has become paramount.

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Whole-Organisation Change: A Holistic Approach to Wellbeing by Kim Leadbeater MP

Kim Leadbeater MP, is the Co-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Tackling Loneliness and Connected Communities. She spoke at our Mental Health in the Workplace Conference, on Raising the Profile of Wellbeing to Achieve Whole-Organisation Culture Change.

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Delivering the Everyone Economy: Empowering Inclusive Leadership

Delivering the Everyone Economy: Empowering Inclusive Leadership. A case by Hamish Shah, Policy and Innovation Manager, at the Chartered Management Institute. He spoke at our EDI in the Workplace Conference.

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National Strategies to Advance Gender Equality in the Workplace

In 2022, then gender pay gap among fulltime employees in the UK was 14.9%. In this video, the Cabinet Office Equality Hub discuss the legislation and national strategies in place to advance gender equality. Building upon this, they highlight the driving forces behind the gender pay gap and strategies being implemented to reduce the gap.

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Using Gender Equality Networks to Promote Collaboration in the Workplace

One in nine mothers reported they were dismissed, made compulsorily redundant or treated so poorly they had to leave their job. In this video, Kerry O’Dea, Co-Chair of the Border Force Gender Equality Network discusses the benefits of the gender equality network and the impacts it has had on fostering collaboration throughout the workplace.

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