Children & Young People

Tools and Research to Support Teacher Workload and Wellbeing

68% of teaching staff said their workload was not manageable in a recent survey conducted by TES. Dr Joana Cardim-Dias, Senior Researcher at the Education Policy Institute discusses recent research, highlighting practical insights where schools can support staff to prevent them from being overwhelmed with the workload.

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Improving the Quality of Teaching and Outcomes for Learners Through the Accreditation of the Inclusion Quality Mark Award

Inclusive practice is one of the biggest challenges senior leadership in primary schools face. Donna Lee, Headteacher of Nettlesworth Primary School discusses the process of gaining Inclusion Quality Mark Award accreditation and how this has helped create a learning environment where children flourish.

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Improving Care Outcomes for Children with Disabilities  

As of March 2022, there were 80,000 children living in care in England. Sharon Howard, Assistant Director of Lifespan, the Disabled Children and Young People's Service at Kent County Council discusses the multidisciplinary pathway the service has developed through partnership working to deliver support to disabled young people and their families.

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Developing Secondary Students’ Skills Through Community-Based Projects

Professor Tom Dobson is a Professor of Education in the School of Education, Psychology and Linguistics at York St John University. He shares how providing young people with the opportunity to engage with projects in their local community can help develop skills needed to transform the workplace and improve education outcomes.

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Preventing Child Exploitation Through Multi-Agency Working

There were 10,140 instances of Child Exploitation recorded as a factor at the end of a children’s social care assessment. Suzanne Taylor, Assistant Director of Impact, Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation at Barnardo’s discusses the links between Child Sexual Exploitation and Child Criminal Exploitation, highlighting the importance of multi-agency working to combat these harms.

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Creating a Common Purpose for Aligned Autonomy in Multi-Academy Trusts

Heart Academies Trust is a Multi-Academy Trust in Bedford. Anna Crawte, School Improvement Director shares the importance of creating a shared focus between schools in the trust to encourage staff collaboration.

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Addressing the Impact of Social Media on Young People’s Mental Health

1 in 6 young people aged 5-16 probably has a mental health disorder. Jessica Asato, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at Barnardos discusses the positive and negative impacts of social media on children’s mental health, highlighting the challenges they face online.

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Providing Trauma-informed Support for Young People with Multiple Disadvantages

Gavin Barker is the Service Manager of the Specialist ‘Changing Futures’ Programme team at Westminster City Council. He discusses the trauma-informed compassion-focussed service Westminster have in place to support young people with multiple disadvantages and how the service prevents them from falling through gaps in provision.

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Engaging with Younger Residents to Deliver a Diverse Range of Services in Libraries

Libraries need to engage a younger and more diverse audience to add value to community services and establish the visitors of the future. Krystal Vitters is the Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Suffolk Libraries discusses the importance of engaging young people in library services and the engaging opportunities that have been created for them in Suffolk Libraries.

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The Impact of the Artsmark Award on Schools

The teaching of the arts in schools poses numerous benefits to both pupils and schools alike. The Artsmark Award provides schools with the opportunity to embed culture and creativity in the curriculum. Charlotte Jones, the Curriculum Leader of the Creative Arts at Newminster Middle School shares how the Artsmark award has helped both staff and students take part in arts subjects across the school.

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Working with Service Users to Develop Follow Up Programmes After a Mental Health Crisis

Demand for crisis mental health services has increased by a third since before the pandemic and doubled since 2017. In this video, Owen Salem, Operational Support Officer at Youth Fed discusses how organisations need to work collaboratively with NHS Trusts and service users to understand the early signs of crises and to develop coping strategies once they are discharged.

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Tackling Knife Crime Through Early Interventions

In the year ending March 2022, police recorded around 45,000 offences involving a knife or sharp object in England and Wales. Superintendent Adam Ward, Knife Crime Lead at Northamptonshire Police shares how they have reduced knife crime through partnership working and early intervention.

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